PE and

Health and Movement Curriculum

​At Long Street Primary School we know that empowering students to lead active and healthy lives leads to strong wellbeing and positive outcomes throughout childhood, adolescence and through any pathway they choose to follow.

We are proud to have specialist Health and Physical Education Teachers. Our school features an outstanding gymnasium, large oval and proudly features two large courts, one of which is under cover. Our HPE Curriculum features learning with a game-sense approach, SEPEP competitions and the SHINE curriculum. We balance an early years focus on fundamental movement skills with education throughout the four key domains of sport: target games, net and wall sports, invasion games and striking and fielding.

School Sport Carnivals

Long Street students are encouraged to participate in local sport carnivals which are scheduled throughout the year. These carnivals typically include AFL Football, Netball, Basketball, Hockey, Soccer, Tennis, Cricket and Table Tennis. From these carnivals, teams may be invited to further competitions.

Sports Day

Sports Day is held annually. Parent involvement is warmly encouraged. All students will be allocated a house team which they will stay in for the duration of their time at Long Street.

Team names, using the local Barngarla language, and colours:

Meaning: Koala
Team Colour: Yellow

Meaning: Possum
Team Colour: Red

Meaning: Kangaroo
Team Colour: Blue

Swimming Lessons

Students from R-5 will participate in one complementary week of swimming lessons every year. These are held at the Whyalla Recreation Centre. While our Year 6 students will participate in aquatics. These are held in Port Augusta.